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The story of a beautiful tree

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This story happened while I was running during hot weather followed by rain. I felt the same experience as I have witnessed those from the trees. There were some I couldn’t find words to describe as I could only relate to what I can remember after finishing running. Some words don’t make sense but are crucial to the actual event. Like the similarity between the absorption of nutrients from the body as well as the earth’s surface. Whatever you put in, it breaks down and releases the binding force that links with the interconnectedness of everything. It suggests the relationship link between the ocean and our breathing as well, as our body and how the roots of the trees absorb nutrients and exchange energy with the sunlight that releases oxygen and produces flowers and fruits. In this sense, there’s a flow of living energy and the tree is a symbolic network that represents life because it’s so big, so alive, so intelligent, and manifesting in every form. Likewise, I felt this as I was receiving information as my body releases energy. It could be the effect of the runner’s high during heightened flow from engaging activity but regardless it’s good.

So here we go, I was out during a run, and my attention went to a particular tree. It has no name, so I call it a beautiful tree because of its own physical characteristics and nature’s attributes. As we exchanged breath with this pure nature, it began to feel like we were in a dream and then nature unfolded its own presence. I felt oneness, feeding wisdom as the leaves reached for the lights from the sky. With the heat of the sun and the rain, we felt more alive and bathed with all-encompassing love. The water tastes the purest heaven itself. Every leaf slowly dropping down is a relief as it touches the ground. The earth ingests it back to where it came from and is cycled into a new life, reborn, like the child in the care of a great mother. This insight turns like the wind blew my mind back in the form of the wild like a beautiful garden. My attention went to the beautiful flower that was given to a princess with the message of love at the height of an extreme battle.

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